
고려대학교 국제대학원/국제대학 글로벌한국학부 조교수
서울시 성북구 안암로 145 고려대학교 국제관 521호
전화 02-290-2416

2017 Ph.D. 시드니대학교 사회학 (지도교수: Nicola Piper, Sonja van Wichelen)
2012 M.A. 시드니대학교 아시아태평양 인권민주주의학 (Human Rights and Democratisation (Asia-Pacific))
2010 M.A. 토론토대학교 아시아태평양학 (Asia-Pacific Studies)
2008 Hon B.A. 토론토대학교 아시아태평양학 (최우등졸업)

2023 고려대학교 글로벌한국학부 조교수
2019 경북대학교 사회학과 조교수
2018 라이스대학교 차오 아시아학센터 트랜스내셔널 아시아학 박사후과정 펠로우
2018 토론토대학교 사회학과 젠더, 이주, 돌봄노동 박사후과정 펠로우
2017 시드니대학교 시드니 아시아 태평양 이주연구소 (Sydney Asia-Pacific Migration Centre) 연구원 (Research Associate)
2014 시드니대학교 정치사회과학대학 부전임강사 (Associate Lecturer)/아시아태평양 인권민주주의학 석사프로그램 교과과정 코디네이터
비공식 노동, 젠더와 이주, 트랜스네셔널 페미니즘, 법사회학, 민속지학, 글로벌라이제이션, 비공식 경제와 정치
Yi, Sohoon. (2021). Suspicious Motherhood: Maternal Labor and Marriage Migration in South Korea. Social Politics 28(1):71-93. https://doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxz018
이소훈. (2021). 국가와 “국제결혼 소비자 피해담론”의 제도화 작업. 한국여성학 37(2):129-166.
Yi, Sohoon and Jennifer Chun (2019) Organising Day Labourers in South Korea’s Construction Industry International Comparative Sociology Journal 61(2-3):122-140. https://doi.org/10.1177/0020715219889383
Underhill, Elsa, Sherry Huang, Sohoon Yi and Malcolm Rimmer (2019) Using Social Media to Improve Temporary Migrant Workers’ Access to Information about their Employment Rights. Journal of Australian Political Economy, 20(84): 147-174
Lee, Sohoon and Yi-Chun Chien. (2017) The Making of “Skilled” Overseas Koreans: Transformation of Visa Policies for Co-ethnic Migrants in South Korea. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43 (13): 2193-2210
Lee, Sohoon and Nicola Piper. (2017) Migrant Domestic Workers as ‘Agents’ of Development in Asia: An Institutional Analysis of Temporality. European Journal of East Asian Studies 16 (2): 220-247
Piper, Nicola and Lee, Sohoon. (2016) Marriage Migration, Migrant Precarity, and Social Reproduction in Asia: an Overview. Critical Asian Studies 48 (4): 473-493
Lee, Sohoon. (2012) Those Who Can Become “Foreign Koreans”: Globalisation, Transnational Marriages, and Shifting Nationalist Discourses in South Korea. Theory in Action 5 (3):1-30
Lee, Sohoon.(2013) Asian Democracy and the Problem of Membership: Rules of Exception and the ‘Legitimate’ Discrimination against Migrants in South Korea. in James Arvanitakis & Ingrid Matthews (eds.) The Citizen in the 21st Century. Inter-Disciplinary Press: Oxfordshire. 73-85
집필/리뷰중인 논문
“Open Sesame!”: Imaginations of Kinship and the Market in Korean-Chinese Migration, a chapter in Minjeong Kim & Hyeyouhg Woo (eds) Immigration, Marriages and Multicultural Families in South Korea (Rutgers University Press와advance contract)
– Underhill, Elsa, Sherry Huang, Sohoon Lee and Malcolm Rimmer. (2018) Information Seeking Behaviours of Temporary Visa Workers in Victoria. Deakin University: Melbourne.
– Cheng, Kuo-Sheng, Tina Davis, Sohoon Lee, Sora Lee, Yao-Tai Li (in alphabetical order) (2016) Vulnerabilities of Working Holiday Makers and Policy Recommendations. Submission to Senate Inquiry on the Impact of Australia’s Temporary Work Visa Programs on the Australian Labour Market and on the Temporary Work Visa Holders. Parliament of Australia.
– Lee, Sohoon and Nicola Piper. (2013) Understanding Multiple Discrimination against Labour Migrants in Asia: an Intersectional Analysis. International Policy Analysis. Fredrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES): Berlin
– Piper, Nicola and Sohoon Lee. (2013) Contributions of Migrant Domestic Workers to Sustainable Development: Policy Paper for the Pre-GFMD VI High-Level Regional Meeting on Migrant Domestic Workers at the Interface of Migration and Development. UN Women: Bangkok.
– Lee, Sohoon, Juliette Mitchell, Bruce Amoroto, Petra Gimbad, Nicholas Leow, Nishandeny Ratnam, Ivone Rebelo and Haibin Zhou (2013) Rights without Borders: realising human rights for all workers irrespective of citizenship. Campaign for Australian Ratification of Migrant Workers Convention. Human Rights Council of Australia: online.
– Azhar, Haris, Yuval Ginbar, Sohoon Lee, Atnike Sigiro, Swee Seng Yap (in alphabetical order) (2010) Hiding Behind Its Limits: Performance Report on ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development: Bangkok.
2017 경북대학교 사회학과 조교수
2016 라이스대학교 차오 아시아학센터 트랜스내셔널 아시아학 박사후과정 펠로우
2015-2016 토론토대학교 사회학과 젠더, 이주, 돌봄노동 박사후과정 펠로우
2014-2016 시드니대학교 시드니 아시아 태평양 이주연구소 (Sydney Asia-Pacific Migration Centre) 연구원 (Research Associate)
2013-2015 시드니대학교 정치사회과학대학 부전임강사 (Associate Lecturer)/아시아태평양 인권민주주의학 석사프로그램 교과과정 코디네이터
2013 시드니 동남아연구센터 출판지원금, 시드니대학교 (공동연구자: Nicola Piper)
2018 Early Stage Family Scholar Award, RC06, 세계사회학회 (International Sociological Association)
2017 Best Postgraduate Paper Award, 대양주한국학회 (Korean Studies Association of Australiasia)
2012-2017 University of Sydney International Scholarship (USydIS, Research Training Program (RTP)-level scheme), 시드니대학교
2011-2012 Master of Human Rights and Democratisation Scholarship, 시드니대학교
2010 Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation Scholarship
2009 Dr. David Chu Travel Award, 토론토대학교
2008 Dr. David Chu Scholarship for Masters Program in Asia Pacific Studies, 토론토대학교
2008 Hon B.A. with High Distinction, Dean’s List, 토론토대학교
공개강의/세미나 강연
2019 이주여성의 친족노동과 시공간 국경경험. 경북대학교 사회과학연구원, 2019/9/26, 경북대학교 사회과학대학.
2018 ‘“You’re Family Only When You’re Rich”: the moral economy of visas, kinship and relational labour’. Transnational Asia Research Initiative Seminar Series. 차오 아시아학연구소, 2018/9/26, 라이스대학교
2018 ‘Suspicious Motherhood: Gendered Spatiality of Borders and Marriage Migration in South Korea.’ Feminist Seminar/Race, Ethnicity and Immigration Workshop Series. 사회학과, 2018/4/25, 토론토대학교
2018 ‘Bordering Families: Kinship Migration and Immigration Bureaucracy in South Korea’. 한국학연구소, 2018/3/2, 토론토대학교
2016 ‘Im/material Pay for Im/material Work? Theorising the Intersection of Reproductive Work, the Market and Law’. 사회&사회정책학 세미나 시리즈, 2016/9/5, 시드니대학교
2015 동포비자시스템의 변화: 방문취업제에 대한 비판적 접근. 이주정책포럼. 2015/9/16. 민주노조총연합
2014 ‘Migrant Domestic Workers as Agents for Development?: Observations from the Southeast Asian Context’. 시드니동남아연구소 세미나 시리즈. 2015/3/21. 시드니대학교 (Nicola Piper 와 공동발표)
2014 ‘Interpreting or Appropriating?: Understanding South Korean state’s interpretation of global migration and development discourse from gender perspectives’. Approaches to Social Reproduction: Gender & Migration Workshop. 로사룩셈부르크재단, 2014/11/22-23, 베이징사범대학교
2015 Marriage Migration in East Asia Revisited: Development, Culture and Policy International Conference & Workshop. 2015/5/14-15. 서울대학교 (연구재단지원)
2017 Gender and Politics of Space. 대양주한국학회학술대회, 2017/11/15-17, 시드니기술대학교
2019 ‘Swindler or Victim?: Analysis of International Marriage Victimhood Discourse in South Korea’. Facing New Challenges for Feminisms in Asia: Reiterations, Renewals, and Revisions. 아시아여성학회 (AAWS). 2019/12/6-8, 이화여자대학교
2019 초국가적 친족관계와 재한 중국동포의 국경경험. 2019년 인문사회연구소 연합학술대회. 2019/12/5. 전북대학교 인문사회관.
2019 ‘Marital Labour and Immigration Penalty in Cross-Border Divorce in South Korea’. 세계사회학회 (ISA) RC06-베트남사회학회(VSA). 2019/10/18-19 베트남 하노이 Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences.
2018 ‘Immigration as an obstacle to family justice: when there is an immigration penalty for breaking a marriage’. 법사회학회 (LSA) 2018/6/7-10, 캐나다 토론토 셰라톤호텔
2017 ‘Contesting Borders: Market for Kinship and Kinship for Market’. 대양주한국학회 (KSAA), 2017/11/15-17, 호주 시드니 시드니기술대학교
2016 ‘Negotiating Ambiguous Standpoints: Transnational Research and Conducting Reflexive Feminist Ethnography in Socio-Legal Studies’. 미주사회학회 (ASA) 2016/8/19-23, 미국 시애틀 워싱턴컨벤션센터
2016 ‘Turning Weakness into Strengths: Lessons on Day Labourers Organising from the Korean Construction Workers Union’ Precarious Work: Domination and Resistance in the US, China and the World. 2016/08/19. 미국 시애틀 Seattle Central College
2016 ‘Making of ‘Skilled’ Overseas Koreans: Transformation of Visa Policies on Co-ethnic Migrants in South Korea’. The Changing Face of Global Mobility: Celebrating 10 years of the International Migration Institute. 2016/1/13-15 영국 옥스퍼드대학교
2014 ‘Suspicious Mother, Precarious Worker, and Impermanent Migrant: Transnational Childcare, Social Reproduction and Marriage Migration in South Korea’, Marriage Migration in East Asia Revisited: Development, Culture and Policy. 2015/5/14-15. 한국 서울 서울대학교
2014 ‘Domestic Workers as Agents for Development?: the Migration-Development Nexus Debate Revisited through the Decent Work Agenda’.  세계사회학대회(ISA) 2014/7/13-19 일본 요코하마 파시피코 (Nicola Piper와 공동발표)
2012 ‘International Migration and Development from Below: Experiences from Village Development in Indonesia’. International Indonesian Forum. 2012/07/9-10. 인도네시아 족자카르타 가자마자대학교 (Ratih Anwar와 공동발표)
SOCI251 Globalization in Asia 세계화와 아시아
SOCI252 Sociology of Labor 노동사회학
SOCI523 Gender and Migration 젠더와 이주
SOCI538 Law and Social Change 법과 사회 변동
라이스대학교, 아시아학
ASIA295 Introduction to Transnational Asian Studies
토론토대학교 사회학
SOC444H5F Advanced Topics in Sociology: Gender, Migration and Borders. 2018년 계절학기
시드니대학교 사회&사회정책학
HRTD 6909/6911 Human Rights Dissertation (Part 1 and 2). 2014년 1학기 (석사과정)
HRTD 6910/6912 Human Rights Internship (Part 1 and 2). 2014년 1학기 (석사과정)
2015 연구보조원, Informal Worker Organizing in Domestic Work and Construction (Ford Foundation Project): South Korean Case Study, 토론토대학교
역할: 전체비교연구 책임연구자 Chris Tilly와  한국사례연구 책임연구자 Jennifer Jihye Chun을 보조하여 한국 비공식건축부문 조직사례 현장연구 담당
2013 컨설턴트, Emerging Markets Research Project: South Korea. Verite
역할: 지표에 맞추어 한국내 전반적 노동조건에 대한 연구보고서 집필
2012 연구원, ‘Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Returned Migrants in East Java, Indonesia,’ Project (아시아개발은행지원사업), 인도네시아 가자마자대학교 지리학과
역할: 데이터수집, 현장연구, 보고서집필보조
2011 연구보조원, ‘From Migrant to Worker: New Transnational Responses to Temporary Labour in East and Southeast Asia’ Project. 시드니대학교 인도네시아학과
역할: 책임연구자 Michele Ford를 보조하여 비교연구에서 한국사례연구 현장조사를 담당
미디어 오피니언 및 인터뷰 경력
2021/1/21 그AI는 왜 여성이었나?: ‘이루다’ 성희롱 논란 다시보기 뉴스민
2020/7/15 페미니스트로 (故) 박원순 기리기: 남성특권에 관하여. 뉴스민
2019/12/1 사람은 왜 화물차에 타나? 경북대신문
2016/5/18 “What the ‘Backpacker Tax’ can teach us about democracy” The Huffington Post.
2016/3/26 “Backpackers are good to Australia, but is Australia good to backpackers?” The Huffington Post.
2014/6/18 “Long overdue rights for domestic workers” Jakarta Post, Opinion, p.6 (with Nicola Piper)
2017/4/21 “Work visas: students often forced to breach conditions, lawyers say” The Guardian.
2017/12/4 인터뷰: 워홀러도우미 이소훈대표 “호주생활?장밋빛도 잿빛도 아냐” 연합뉴스.
기타 학술서비스 경력
2020년 1월—현재 <경제와 사회> 편집위원
2020년 3월—현재 Committee on Korean Studies (AAS Northeast Asia Council) 운영위원
2020년 9월—현재 <사회과학담론과 정책> 편집위원
2013/05 –2014/12 International Sociology (ISA 학술지) 편집간사
기타 경력
2010-2011 컨설턴트, Asia Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) (태국, 방콕)
한국어 (원어민), 중국어 (중급)
비판사회학회/ Association for Asian Studies / American Sociological Association/ International Sociological Association